Voice & Swallowing Evaluations & Therapy
We take a holistic approach to evaluating and treating individuals looking for help with communication disorders. We begin by identifying our client's goals and learning style to deliver personalized services. Each speech therapy session combines evidence-based exercises with functional activities (role-play, conversation, presenting, eating/drinking trials) to help our clients learn, practice, and integrate new skills into their daily lives.
It is our commitment to create a safe space for our speech therapy clients, ensuring they feel heard and understood regarding their goals for Speech therapy. We have a sincere interest in learning about clients’ hobbies, interests, and family so we can incorporate therapy tasks around these topics. Home exercise programs are also provided as a part of our therapy and coaching, allowing clients to continue making progress between sessions.
Do you find you are coughing or choking when eating or drinking?
Depending on what is triggering your swallowing issue (reflux/GERD, cervical spinal surgery, stroke, Cancer, ALS, Parkinson's disease), the treatment will be customized for your specific needs
Understand the specific cause of your swallowing trouble
Learn how to decrease impact of chemoradiation
What are appropriate exercises for you
What compensatory strategies are best for you
What is the safest/least restrictive recommendation for food and/or liquid
How to decrease your risk for aspiration pneumonia
How to decide on strict use of feeding tubes, or eating/drinking for pleasure/quality of life
We provide you with training so you will know ALL the signs of food or liquid going down the wrong "pipe," how to decrease these risks, eat and drink safely,
and make ethical decisions balancing safety with quality of life.
Voice Therapy
Hoarse, weak or raspy voice? Dealing with vocal nodules or muscle tension dysphonia? Neuro Speech & Voice combines medical speech pathology and professional voice coaching approaches to help clients maximize results. You will improve your voice by learning how to:
Use Diaphragm to improve vocal breath support and control
Release Laryngeal tension/soreness
Decrease inflammation/reduce risk of scarring on vocal folds
Learn forward resonance to decrease vocal strain
Program to decrease muscle tension and vocal strain
Identify if acid reflux is impacting your voice, and how to decrease symptoms through lifestyle management
We are certified in LSVT, an evidence-based speech therapy approach for people with Parkinson's and similar conditions.
Gender Affirming Voice & Communication
Get experienced guidance in finding your authentic voice in a vocally healthy and effective manner. We have worked with individuals with voice goals ranging from gender neutral to feminine or masculine. We are proud allies of the LGBTQIA community, and strive to provide research-driven strategies to keep your voice healthy and empower you to confidently communicate. Gender affirming voice therapy will teach you skills such as:
How to safely elevate or lower your pitch
Avoid vocal strain while attaining your goal sound
Adapt your articulation and speech rate to more gender specific norms.
How to habituallly create natural vocal inflection
Incorporating Non-verbal communication (facial expression, body language) in your expression of self.
Voice Coaching & Accent Reduction
For Singers, Actors, Audiobook Narrators, & Other Professionals
Coaching sessions will be designed to address your specific voice goals:
Improve vocal tone
Master pitch modulation to hold your listener’s attention
Present in a dynamic or authoritative manner
Sound more assertive
Implement a vocal hygiene routine
Improve vocal health, speech clarity, voice projection
Increase the clarity of your message
Improve your American English accent